Services Info

  • E01000 External Cleaning & Injector Prep
  • E02000 Baseline Test
  • E03000 Remove Nozzles and Reassemble
  • E04001 Nozzle Flow Increase 30%
  • E04002 Nozzle Flow Increase 45%
  • E04003 Nozzle Flow Increase 60%
  • E04004 Nozzle Flow Increase 100%
  • E04005 Nozzle Flow Increase 150%
  • E06001 Cleaning of Stator Assembly
  • E06002 Replacement of Stator Assembly
  • E06003 Complete Injector Cleaning
  • E07000 Internal Modifications (Solenoid Injector)
  • E07003 Internal Modifications (Piezo Injector)